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Mini Seeds
A Unique Kid's Room: The Spring One Room Challenge®
Our goal for The Spring One Room Challenge® is to create a beautiful, art-inspired, open-air bedroom for an eight-year-old girl. The...

Mini Seeds
4 design tips made this room feel bigger
We loved all the architectural details in the room and as we're dealing with a smaller space we wanted to as creative and as resourceful

Mini Seeds
9 colour combos perfect for nurseries
Whether it’s a calm baby room or a playroom, we love to surround babies with different colours and shades, mix in different intensities...

Mini Seeds
The top 8 decor secrets to a trendy home in 2019 (part2)
The top 8 decor secrets to a trendy home in 2019
Check what the design experts say are the top 8 home and decor trends for 2019 and what tr

Mini Seeds
The top 8 decor secrets to a trendy home in 2019 (part 1)
Fresh look for your family home doesn't have to be expensive. With little touches and tweeks,you can keep your space trendy. 2019 top h

Mini Seeds
A room for a modern princess
Awsome decor and accessoires for a great interior look , check out the most trendy , funcky in the market . we search the web fo the best ou
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