We wanted to update you with a fun room Mini Seeds' team been working on
We're now shopping for this fun cute design we made for a 3 years old and can't be more excited to share the after design pictures when it's done.
Here are some peaks of the before and the design
Our client wanted to keep some items for sentimental reasons and we promised we will work everything she wants in the new design!
Can you guess what items are we keeping?

We loved all the architectural details in the room and as we're dealing with a smaller space we wanted to be as creative and as resourceful as possible to use every inch wisely without compromising the beauty and the flow within the room.
Here are 4 ways we used to make this room feel and look bigger
1-To open up the room, the owner suggested a bay window and we hurrayed to that, because not only this will increase the natural lighting but also will add a visual illusion that the room is bigger!!
To make sure we highlighted the beautiful architecture, this wall will be our focal point, we surrounded it with beautiful fabrics, wallpaper and a dreamy chandelier.

2-To maximize the space we decided to open up the closet.
Speaking FUN design we will be creating a great organized storage corner inside.
The closet space will permit us to put one of our client's pieces in the new design while beautifully painted it will also be used as a storage unit and create a little beauty corner with a cute wall mirror on the wall. "LOVE IT"

Design reveals is our favourite part of any design where we share with our client and our reader the transformation available to their space when they get the right pieces together in a room.
Check out our design and let us know what do you think in the comments below.
We'd love to hear from you!
Scroll right and left to check the new design.
3-Our design is all about making the room brighter and feels bigger , bright colours, lots of lighting , and simple finishes choices are geared to do so.

4-Walls , bright ceilings and trims colours are chosen to make the room feel spacious.
We used nature inspired fabrics to add softeness and openess.

Bay window installed and all custom work needed is being ordered for our installation day and we can't be any more excited.
Drag left and right to see how this window transformed.
Installation work in progress ,
when the design turn into reality
To say I am very proud of the team for their hard work to pull the projects together will be an understament.
They're all so talented and there no way I could've pulled this off alone.
Our hilight this month seeing our cute client first reactions when she saw her done room for the first time.
"She LOVES her room and takes anyone who come to our house upstairs to show them" mom says
We love what we do and seeing our clients so happy with the results makes the stress the final push totally worth it.
Updated Before & After pictures
Swipe for before pictures

We make it our mission to help transform Ottawa's family homes one at a time.
Let's bring beauty into our homes and our lives.
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